Hot off the easel, just finished this one today.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
The Law of Giving
"Breathe in the abundance all around you. Now breathe out, gifting your abundance to the world".
"This is the rhythm of life, its vital circulation. Giving and receiving originate in each other and thrive in balance. Together they form a great circle, rising in a spiral motion. One of these cannot exist for long without the other. Giving that is not continually sourced in receiving exhausts itself. And receiving that does not flow again into the world stagnates. Both must be in motion".
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
My Retreat
Ive just been on retreat for a month at the Clyde River Retreat in NSW. A blissful month full of meditation, art and nature. The first weekend I was there Will Baker held a weekend course on earth energies that was great and very informative. We connected and learned to "feel" the grid lines of the earth, portals and vortexes. Will runs the retreat centre there but you can go and have your own self-directed retreat there any time aswell.
I just wanted to focus on self-healing and clearing of karmic debris and more fully integrating my higher self, which I managed quite successfully to do. Through tuning in to spirit I learnt new techniques to heal the self on the cellular and emotional levels, and to clear the residue from the physical body.
My days were spent in meditation and self-healing aswell as connecting with the nature spirits and also doing some painting. I had several commissions to do while I was away which flowed out of me very easily in these surroundings. They will soon be finished and posted here also.