My art is a reflection of my inner landscape. I let my heart and my soul direct my brush and I fill my paintings and creations with love. I am guided and inspired by Spirit, Nature and Mother Earth and all the beauty and colour that surrounds us every day!!!

I hope you enjoy your journey through my blog as I have enjoyed each creation.
With love and light, Belinda

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Meditation as Inspiration

I find the best way to get inspiration for my artwork is to meditate in nature. After looking around the garden or the bush at all the wonderful things there, colours, shapes, patterns, insects and really connecting with the spirit of nature, I sit and close my eyes. Then I take a few deep breaths and clear my mind and the images and ideas just flow to me. I tend to feel this inner peace aswell as a bubble of joy in my stomach. It just feels so good to take that time to connect with nature, so healing and inspiring. You can be at the beach or in the bush or on a mountian top, just remember to tune in to nature next time you are having a creative block.

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